Learning Labs: grants on creative labs for pupils

Sector: Culture and creative industries
Type: Programme
Location: Ukraine
Deadline: Finished
Organiser: Other

This is a chance to interest children in art through a joint project with a primary or secondary school. You will have EUR 7,500 and nine months to implement an initiative that will both tell children about work in the cultural and creative sectors and help them develop talents.

The Creative FLIP, offering the Learning Lab programme, is co-funded by the EU and consortium of five partners, led by the Goethe-Institut.This is one of the thousands of the EU opportunities for Ukraine. 

More about the programme

What do I get?
  • EUR 7,500 to spend on rent and utilities, development and design of learning materials, production, photo and video documentation of a lab, final showcase event, and other relevant costs
  • Workshops with Creative FLIP partners 
  • Promotion of the Learning Lab on social media and the opportunity to present it to the European Commission and other stakeholders
  • Membership of the Creative FLIP community and networking with other Learning Lab projects 
  • Chance to become the best project that the Creative FLIP team will tell about in a summary report
What is a Learning Lab?

A Learning Lab is a cooperation project between a cultural and creative organisation and  a primary or secondary school. A laboratory should consist of different types of workshops:

  • My Career: an introduction to one or various specific creative professions with a help of presentations, workshops, and visiting cultural and creative hubs
  • My School: a specific creative project with students for their school that will be presented during the final showcase event
  • My Idea: a specific workshop on importance of intellectual property rights 

You are to conduct at least ten workshops: one about intellectual property rights and nine more about cultural work and art. You are responsible for organising workshops but in close cooperation with a school representative. 

View previous Labs

Can I apply?

Organisers are waiting for the application from: 

  • Cultural and youth centres
  • Theatres 
  • Associations 
  • Creative hubs
  • Coworkings 
  • Other cultural or creative organisations
What do I need to apply?
  • Agreement with the school, cooperating in a lab
  • Completed form with information about the cultural organisation and the school participating in the programme
  • Description of the concept and plan of the learning laboratory with explanations of why the organisers should support your project. Learn more about project requirements here
  • Budget of the project

This questionnaire will help you to proceed with the application.

How do I apply?

Apply via online form. The language of the application is English.

The results will be announced on 17 June 2022. The committee will support 15 Learning Labs.

Good to know
  • The organisers will choose winners depending on the project's relevance to the overall theme, motivation and geography of the applicant as well as type of the organisation. 
  • You can implement the project between September 2022 and May 2023 over the course of a minimum three months.

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