Digital Labs: educators

Digital Labs: educators


New Ukrainian School is a huge leap for Ukrainian society and a challenge for educators. We believe it is easier to surmount the difficulties when you have a positive model and a network of acquaintances. To provide you with this support, we have launched Digital Labs: educators.

Digital Labs bring together educators from all over Ukraine to overcome common challenges. You will learn about the effective solutions in lectures with experts from the EU, UK, and Ukraine, come up with ideas in workshops, and, teamed with other participants, design and present a solution to a pressing issue of modern education. The experts will be there for you to advise and direct. Authors of the best methodologies will get up to EUR 500 on further professional advancement.

We open calls for this Digital Lab a couple of times a year. Follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to hear the updates.

This is for trips covering hot-button themes

The Digital Lab focuses on the New Ukrainian School and its pillars: decentralisation in education, elementary education, inclusive education, innovative education, and vocational education. We offer 15 workshops and 5 hours of mentor sessions to look into the hottest topic for educators from Ukraine.

This is for learning from leading experts from the EU, UK, and Ukraine

Heads of principal educational institutions, authors of new methodologies, talented professors and teachers, working with the New Ukrainian School and similar reforms will point at their nuances and share solutions. You will learn fresh ideas that can be adapted to the Ukrainian context in lectures with educators from the EU and the UK, as well as adopt effective strategies offered by Ukrainian specialists.

This is for designing an effective methodology

You will leave the digital lab with a methodology you can apply at work right away. It will be rooted in the know-how of proactive educators all over Europe, reviewed by experts in mentor sessions, and well-structured for a final presentation. Prepare a thought-out methodology, and get a reward: a stipend to spend on professional advancement. ​


This is for active educators all over Ukraine

We welcome professionals who have been working in education for at least three years. School staff, vocational education managers, experts in inclusive education, specialists working in education reform and designing new training methods will all find a fitting Lab. We value strong motivation to join and eagerness to share the knowledge with your professional community.

This is for you!

We connect people and opportunities

We support professional and creative exchange between Ukrainians and their EU colleagues. This encompasses 20+ programme lines managed by us and a constantly increasing database of the best opportunities offered by other European organizations. This is just the beginning: more opportunities, events and acquaintances are coming.

We are all over Ukraine

We are convinced that we should go where our support and information are needed the most: out in the regions. Organising Pop-Up Hubs, creative entrepreneurship in the regions is stimulated, whereas the Mobile Pavilion sets our concept on the move.


Our live updates in social networks

Be the first to know about new opportunities right next door or abroad. We tell you right away what is in store for you and how to go for it.

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We provide you with a digest of our opportunities for people and organisations from the EU and the UK. We respect your time and privacy – we will only drop you a line when we have some great open calls.

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