Empower UA: grants for civil society organisations

Sector: Social entrepreneurship
Type: Grant
Location: Ukraine
Deadline: Finished
Organiser: EU

This is a chance to receive EUR 60,000 to help people in difficult life circumstances.

Build a new homeless shelter, start a free psychological support service for refugees, or buy computers for the team to handle more requests per day. You will have a year to implement the idea in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government.

The programme is managed by the “Network 100 per cent Life Rivne” charitable organisation within the framework of the EU4CSOs Empower UA project, which is implemented with the financial support of the EU. This is one of thousands of EU opportunities for Ukraine.

More about the programme

What do I get?
From EUR 40,000 to EUR 60,000 to start working with people in difficult life circumstances, scale up your activities, or make the organisation more efficient.
Can I apply?

Grants will be helpful to civil society organisations that:

  • Are officially registered in Ukraine
  • Registered at least two years ago
  • Have non-profit status
  • Have more than two years of experience in the social sphere
  • Have a strong team
  • Can receive funds
What do I need to apply?
  • Completed application form. The volume is up to two pages
  • Budget in form
  • Organisation registration statement in PDF format
  • Decision on inclusion in the Register of Non-profit Institutions and Organisations in PDF format
  • CVs of the critical team in one PDF file
How do I apply?
By 18 November, fill out the application form. The results will be announced on 10 December.
Good to know
  • You will receive a grant in hryvnias, according to the NBU exchange rate, when you sign the grant agreement.
  • The grant cannot be spent on commercial projects, personal exhibitions and publications, material aid, military equipment, and projects aimed at political, pre-election or religious activities.
  • One organisation — one grant. However, you can get several more grants for projects with other organisations.

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