Distributed Design Awards 2020

Sector: Culture and creative industries
Type: Other
Location: Online
Deadline: Finished
Organiser: Other

This is a competition for creative projects at the intersection of the maker movement and digital design organised by the Distributed Design. The Award is funded by Creative Europe and the European Union.


The organisers are looking for design projects that take the following into account:

  • Disturbed design principles: open source, transparency, allows for adaptation and/or customization
  • Circular economy principles: local production, smart manufacturing, responsible materials, product life cycle and afterlife
  • Social challenges and human wellbeing: socioeconomic business models, regenerative systems, etc.

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What do I get?
  • EUR 2,000 and The Index Project mentorship if you win the main prize
  • Tickets for re:publica festival and travel bursary if you win the Future Thinking award 
  • ‘Featured Project’ on Faberin, promotion and no service fee on the product for 3 months if you win the Cultural Significance award
  • Business mentorship with Paved with Gold if you win the Circular Design award 
  • Wikifactory membership and personal onboarding session if you win the Adaptable & Open Design award
  • Local materials and knowledge mentorship with Make Works if you win the Sustainable production award 
  • An article featuring the project in the 2020 Distributed Design Book if you win the Design for Emergency award
  • Winners will also win a profile on the Distributed Design website
Can I apply?

This award is open to anyone: 

  • working in the creative disciplines 
  • dealing with design and making
What do I need to apply?

Participation is open to all creative projects at the intersection of the maker movement and digital design under the following restrictions:

  • The work must have been designed no longer than 5 years ago
  • The design project must reflect some of the aspects of at least two of the four principles of distributed design: valuable, distributable, reproducible and design sensitive.
  •  Projects should at least be in the production stage but ideally are already tested and finalised projects.
How do I apply?
Submit the projects via the website and attach high-quality images of your project. Sketches or working documents are not allowed.
Good to know
  • Projects from Ukraine are eligible, nevertheless the text in the Entry guides & rules. The organisers have added some new eligible countries. 
  • Projects submitted for previous editions of the Distributed Design Awards are not eligible.
  • Submitted projects must be original and may not infringe on the rights of a third party.

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