The Nexus of Decision 2024: residency for Ukrainian artists and researchers in Poland

Sector: Culture and creative industries
Type: Residency
Location: Augustów, Poland
Deadline: 15 September 2024 at 23:59 Kyiv time
Organiser: Other

This is a one-week residency in Augustów (Poland), where you can share your experience with artists from Poland and Germany.

You will discuss how myths shape history, culture, and politics, how different nations perceive Russia's war against Ukraine, and how negotiations with an aggressor put Europe at risk. As a result, you will try to find an effective formula for long-term peace.

The programme is managed by Vitsche with the Pilecki Institute, with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and funding from the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation. This is one of thousands of EU opportunities for Ukraine. 

More about the residency

What do I get?
  • A one-week residency in Augustov from 15-21 November 
  • Coverage of food, accommodation and round-trip ticket costs
  • Lectures, seminars, workshops and excursions by German, Polish and Ukrainian experts
  • Networking with Ukrainian, German and Polish colleagues
Can I apply?
This residency is for Ukrainian philosophers, historians, political scientists, researchers, writers, peacemakers, and interdisciplinary artists aged 20 to 45.
What do I need to apply?
  • CV or portfolio — up to 2 pages
  • Motivational letter — up to 2,500 characters
  • A description of your artistic, scientific or professional interests as related to the central theme of the residency
  • Good command of English 

All the documents must be in English and PDF format.

How do I apply?

By 15 September, submit the online form in English.

If your application is successful, the organisers may invite you to an additional online interview.

Good to know
  • The organisers are also looking for participants from Poland and Germany. Share the English version of this contest with your friends from these countries.
  • The competition's results will be available by 10 October. The organisers will choose 15 winners, five from each country.
  • Unfortunately, the organisers will not give feedback on applicants' applications.

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