Call for projections for Genius Loci Weimar festival
This is a call for video mapping projects for Genius Loci Weimar festival. You will get EUR 15,000 to implement the idea and an opportunity to showcase your work on the facade of Marstall, Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv or Altenburg in Weimar. The competition is open to individuals and groups.
The organisers are looking for projects with a clear vision of the history of the building and the understanding of its architecture. Besides classical video mappings, new styles are also welcomed. You can use 3D animations, animation, real and short film, and illustrative techniques such as drawing, silhouette, stop-motion, etc.
Learn more:
The competition is aimed at artists of all genres, including:
- video mappers;
- videographers;
- motion designers;
- architects;
- lighting designers;
- exhibition designers;
- media artists;
- scenographers.
Both enthusiasts and professionals can apply, but do not forget to highlight your ability to realise the professional skills and motivation required.
- EUR 15,000 for the realisation of the production
- The opportunity to broadcast your work at one of the historical buildings in Weimar
- Participation in a two-day workshop on dramaturgical material development from the Deutsches Nationaltheater in Weimar. The aim is to work out a sustainable narrative, musical dramaturgy, material and character development.
You must submit an artistic concept, including:
- Audiovisual clip in HD — 30 seconds
- Project description in PDF — up to one page
- Description of the dramaturgy of the final projection in PDF format. It can be either:
- Exposé with the development of the narrative — up to one page
- Storyboard (sketched presentation) — up to three pages
- Letter of motivation from the participant or group, including self-description and references — up to 300 words
- Details of the designated representatives
- Details of the support team
- The organiser assumes the costs of projection equipment and accommodation.
- You assume travel costs, which will be paid from the prize money.
- You assume the costs of taxes and duties in your country, as well as in Germany.
- If your work makes use of material for which there are third-party copyrights (e.g. GEMA fees), any charges will be paid out of your prize money.
- The organiser reserves the right to abort the competition while it is running without giving reasons.