COVID-19 hit hard on culture. Festivals are postponed, exhibition spaces are closed, the audience is locked in flats. Old formats and workflows no longer work while new yet have to be invented.
Hatathon is the event to kick-start solutions. It is an online ideation, a format where professionals with different backgrounds come together to solve challenges within a limited time frame. Participants will have 2.5 days to brainstorm means to collaborate, hold events, and invent new business models for the cultural sphere. Winners will receive EUR 3,000 prizes. Moreover, the most promising ideas can apply for EUR 25,000 follow-up grants to implement their project.
We invite you to contribute from your living room or an improvised office on the balcony. We will ideate from home to support home — Ukraine. This is why our event is called hatathon (from Ukrainian “hata” — home).
Hatathon is initiated by Goethe-Institut Ukraine and organised in cooperation of Goethe-Institut Ukraine and House of Europe, supported by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Find more info and apply on the Hatathon website.
Can I apply?
We aim to further cross-sector experience, gathering experts in divergent fields: culture and IT, non-formal education and business. Professionals with diverse backgrounds, skills, and know-how are welcome if they are willing to save the culture. These may include:
- Artists, creatives, and cultural managers
- Business, marketing, and sales managers
- Journalists, writers, and storytellers
- Creative and social entrepreneurs
- Non-formal educators in culture
- Graphic and web-designers
- IT-specialists
What do I get?
- Participation in an online ideathon which unifies great minds from arts and creative industries, business, and IT to generate forward-looking solutions for the cultural sector in the times of crisis
- 3 teams with the most innovative projects can win a EUR 3,000 prize
- Chance to apply for follow-up grants of EUR 25,000 each to realise your project
- 3 webinars on anti-crisis cultural transformations and technologies for art
- Experience of creating a viable solution within a limited period of time and pitching ideas
- New acquaintances in a range of spheres from creative industries to IT
- Ideas, strategies, and tools on how to survive the lockdown and economic crisis
What do I need to apply?
- Teams need 3-6 fellows and an idea to develop during the hatathon
- Team leads need a timely idea that will motivate individual participants to join their team
- Individual participants need a sharp mind and motivation to help the team they will join
How will you evaluate my idea?
We will engage mentors and evaluators, experienced in culture, creative industries, entrepreneurship, and IT, to coach and judge the projects. There will be 3 rounds of evaluation:
- In the first round, evaluators will assess the projects according to 5 criteria: impact, product, team, presentation, and feasibility. 20 project teams with the highest rating will enter the second round.
- In the second round, short-listed teams will pitch their ideas in Livestream. After the presentation, evaluators will decide on 3 winners, who each will get a prize of EUR 3,000.
- After the Hatathon, short-listed project teams can apply for follow-up grants. You will have to work out a more detailed plan and develop a budget to compete for a follow-up grant. Your application will be assessed by House of Europe jury experts separately.
Good to know
- Participation in Hatathon is open to everyone. You can register independently or on behalf of an organisation.
- To apply for a follow-up grant, you need to be a non-governmental and non-profit cultural organisation registered as a legal entity. Therefore at least one member of your team should represent an organisation with such a status.
- State organisations and private entrepreneurs cannot apply for grants themselves but are welcome to take part in the Hatathon and to join teams.
- If your application for a follow-up grant is successful, we will conclude a grant agreement with the organisation/legal entity that shall receive the grant and lead the implementation of the project.
- We will transfer the money to the bank account of the same legal entity. No payments will be made in cash.
- You can only apply for follow-up grants after you took part in the Hatathon and your idea got shortlisted. There is no way to directly apply for Hatathon follow-up grants.
- Please find more detailed application guidelines on how to apply for Hatathon follow-up grants here.