Democracy Tech Entrepreneur Fellowship Programme

Sector: Other
Type: Programme
Location: Online / Copenhagen, Denmark
Deadline: Finished
Organiser: Other

This is an opportunity for entrepreneurs who implement tech innovations that support democracy (DemTech) by fighting disinformation, deep fakes, illicit facial recognition etc. 

The programme consists of two phases. The first one includes online learning and peer to peer mentor sessions with successful startup entrepreneurs from Denmark. In phase two, you will go to Copenhagen to visit Democracy Summit, DemTech-companies, and pitch to investors. The programme will cover all the expenses. 

The study will start in January 2023. The Copenhagen Democracy Summit is slated for 15-16 May 2023. 

The programme is organised by The Alliance of Democracies Foundation. This is one of the thousands of EU opportunities for Ukraine.

More about the programme

What do I get?
  • Free training where you will learn how to organise a successful, democratically driven ventures
  • Coverage of all the expenses for travel to The Copenhagen Democracy Summit 2023
  • Networking with policy makers and the start-up ecosystem in Denmark
  • Opportunity to find investors for your DemTech project
  • Membership in the alumni network that will support the fellows beyond the fellowship
What is DemTech?

Democracy Tech is tech innovations that can strengthen or provide solutions to one of the following six mentioned conceptions of democracy:

  • Enhancing contestation, free and fairness in electoral processes
  • Defence of individual rights, civil liberties and transparency
  • Strengthening horizontal and vertical accountability in institutions
  • Enhancing voices of the less privileged in decision-making process
  • Ensuring that political decisions are as a product of public deliberation
  • Ensuring equal representation and distribution of politically relevant resources
Can I apply?

This is a programme for Ukrainian entrepreneurs who: 

  • Have started a scalable business based on an innovation that meets DemTech criteria
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the English language
  • Will be available for the entirety of the fellowship
  • Demonstrate commitment to democratic values
What do I need to apply?
  • Application form completed English. Explain briefly how your venture meets DemTech criteria, describe your experience, motivation and professional challenges
  • One minute video elevator pitch about you or your venture
How do I apply?

Submit online form till 20 November 2022.  

If your application is successful, the organisers will invite you for an interview.

Good to know
  • Except for Ukrainian, the entrepreneurs from Georgia, Moldova and Armenia — countries that also suffer from russian aggression, are also eligible to apply.

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