Culture of Solidarity Fund: European Cultural Emergency Programme for Ukraine

This is an opportunity for artists and cultural solidarity initiatives with Ukraine to get up to EUR 40,000.
You can win emergency aid if you:
- Maintain independent cultural media reporting and support open, trustworthy, and secure digital media
- Secure and provide shelters for Ukrainian refugees in Ukraine or abroad
- Work on artistic projects which foster hope for a peaceful future for Ukraine and all of Europe
You can apply alone, in a group, or as an organisation. You will have one year to implement the project.
The Culture of Solidarity Fund, offering a European Cultural Emergency Programme for Ukraine, is financed by the European Cultural Foundation and Allianz Kulturstiftung. This is one of the thousands of the EU opportunities for Ukraine.
You can win a grant if:
- You dream to realise an art project
- You are above 18 years old
- You represent the private, public, or civic sector
- You apply alone, in a group, or as an organisation
- You operate in culture and creative industries, education, health, environmental, human rights, social entrepreneurship, rural development, etc.
- You are based anywhere in the world, but work for Ukraine
- You have no connections with politics
- Application form submitted in English
- Short description of the activities and explanations of why the organisers should support your idea
- A budget of the project drafted in a form
Submit the online form with a complete budget for the project.
Applications are being processed on a rolling basis. The results will be communicated within 4 to 5 weeks from the date of receipt.
- The organisers will choose winners depending on the project's relevance to the overall theme and objectives of the Fund, its urgency, feasibility, and implementation potential as well as the impact of the initiative on the target audiences and the community involved in the implementation.
- The organisers cannot consider strictly humanitarian initiatives or individual requests for cost-of-living support.