Young European Ambassadors

This is an opportunity for young role models that aim to shape the views on the EU among peers in their communities. To do so effectively you are offered volunteering, career building, and young leadership opportunities.
Every year, new ambassadors join the network of more than 500 young people from 34 European countries. Apply now to be among them.
This is one of the numerous opportunities for Ukrainians offered by the EU within the ‘EU NEIGHBOURS east’ project.
Learn more information
- Trips to the EU and countries in Eastern Europe to participate in events like European youth forums, Eastern Partnership conferences, study trips, workshops and more
- Regular online hands-on workshops from EU officials, diplomats, journalists, representatives of civil society and companies
- A network of 500 active peers that share your interests and can advise you on Erasmus+, EU project job, or taking part in EU cooperation in any other way
- Community events and active engagement online: talks, workshops, ideathons, pub quizzes, meetings, school visits, fairs, Europe Days or Instagram live debates, online bingos, social media campaigns, vlogs, etc.
- Are a citizen of one of Ukraine, the EU, the UK, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, or the Republic of Moldova
- Are between 16 and 26 years old
- Have a good level of English
- Possess good communication skills and are motivated to work in an international team
- Are interested inEU affairs and keen to engage online, share information, knowledge, and opportunities with your peers
- Are ready to initiate, implement and participate in civic engagement activities
Application form completed. Tell about yourself, express your motivation and carry out a creative task for choice.
This is the first stage. If your application is successful you will be invited for the interview.
- You must be 18 years old to participate in activities involving international travel. Youth aged 16-17 can participate in online events and local activities in their countries.
- This is a voluntary project offering no remuneration. The programme is designed flexibly not to interfere with your studying or working.
- If you are 15 years old but will be 16 in one month after expressing your interest in becoming a Young European Ambassador, you can apply.