Enabling services grants for environmental journalism

Sector: Media
Type: Grant
Location: Europe
Deadline: Finished
Organiser: Other

This is an opportunity to create an educational project for investigative journalists working with environment related issues. EUR 85,000 will be shared by the participants who offer the most interesting ideas: training,  fellowship programmes, software solutions, and other useful projects.
European Cross-Border Grants are carried out by Belgium based independent non‐profit organisation Journalismfund.eu. This is one of the thousands of EU opportunities for Ukraine.
Learn more information

Can I apply?
This is an opportunity for organisations that have: 
  • Legal entities
  • Expertise in investigative journalism, environmental issues, or the development of supporting services
If you come up with a project together with other organisations, one application from one of the partners will suffice.
What do I need to apply?
Completed application form that includes: 
  • Precise description of your project: team, planned activities, target audience and expected outcomes
  • Article of incorporation, annual financial statement and list of members of the board and senior management 
  • A detailed budget using budget template
How do I apply?
Learn the conditions carefully, register on the online-platform and fill in the application in English.
Good to know
You will be informed about the jury decision around the middle of December 2021.

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