Brussels Co-Production Forum: contest for producers

Sector: Culture and creative industries
Type: Other
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Deadline: Finished
Organiser: Other

This is the opportunity for Ukrainian producers to establish cooperation with Belgian colleagues and find funding for new projects. On 29-30 June 2021, you will go to Brussel go to pitch your project and discuss it face to face with the industry experts. 
This is one of the thousands of EU opportunities for Ukraine.
Learn more information

What do I get?
  • Opportunity to pitch your project in front of important Belgian producer and 
  • EUR 350 to cover travel expenses 
  • Accommodation and meals during the Forum
  • Free accreditation to Brussels International Film Festival
Can I apply?
This contest is for you if you are the producer from Ukraine and your project matches the following criteria: 
  • At least 25% of the budget is secured, including one support in Ukraine (writing, development, production fund etc.) or​ ​you already produced and released in movie theatres with at least two films 
  • The project provides for outlay in Belgium for a minimum of EUR 350,000
  • It is a feature film. All genres are accepted — animation, fiction and documentary
  • The duration is minimum 70 minutes
  • The project is suitable or intended for a co-production with Belgium
  • The film is intended for theatrical release
What do I need to apply?
  • Application form completed
  • Full script or​ if the script hasn’t been completed yet, ​a treatment of 15 pages​ maximum
  • Director’s picture and CV
  • Director’s note of intent (​optional, of one page maximum)​
  • Producer’s picture and CV
  • Producer’s note of two pages maximum. Describe your motivation, strategy, co-production needs, co-production vision
  • Filmography and logo of the production company
  • Detailed budget. Please specify which financing has been secured and which is still in progress 
  • Proof of funding granted by a third party organisation (confirmation notice, letter, etc.)
  • Video link to previous works, ​if available​
Templates of application from and budget are on the website
How do I apply?
Please email a single pdf including all the required documents to
Good to know
  • As English will be the working language during the event, a good level of English is advised for anyone willing to participate.
  • You will be informed about the results of competition by the end of May 2021.

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