Pina Bausch Digital Fellowship
This is an opportunity of virtual cooperation for dancers and choreographers. The fellowship is not a project fund, nor is it aimed at the development of new pieces. You can learn a new dance or movement technique, test new artistic working methods or propose any other format for your professional development. You have to choose the cooperation partner by yourself.
The cooperation should take place in the period from June 2021 until August 2022. You will be funded with a lump sum of EUR 5,000.
The fellowship programme is carried out by the Arts Foundation of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Pina Bausch Foundation. This is one of the thousands of EU opportunities for Ukrainians.
Learn more information
- Dancers with academic degree in dance or two years professional experience with a renowned ensemble
- Choreographers who independently created at least one production with a public performance in the last three years
A basic knowledge of English is required.
- Letter of motivation
- A brief statement on the planned fellowship
- CV in tabular form and a portrait
- Letter of intent by the cooperation partner
- Link to one video of five minutes maximum. Please, use Vimeo or Droprbox. Dailymotion, WeTransfer or YouTube will not be considered.