“Let’s meet Europe! Ecology and sustainable development": online camp for teenagers 14-16 years old

We invite active and indifferent teenagers from all over Ukraine to find out how they can help nature in a European Youth Camp. Because we believe that they are the ones to change the world.
Every day in the camp teenagers will learn something new about ecology and sustainable development. It will be far from school lessons where you have to listen quietly, more like a discussion with a friend: one can disagree, debate, and draw conclusions on their own. And let us not forget that this is a recreation camp, so no one will leave without tons of memories about adventures and friends.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we transferred the event online. Exclusively for the camp, we developed an online platform and a mobile app, where children will complete quests.
We start on 21 June, when all the exams at school are finished, and meet for the last time on 2 July. The sessions will take place from 10.00 to 15.00 with a lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00. There are no sessions planned for weekends, so your child can spend them cycling with friends and reading in the sun.
Read the open call carefully and apply: the camp will be fun!
- Participation in a 10-day adventure, where each day brings new knowledge, creative tasks, and fun
- Lots of information about the ecology and sustainable development in the form of games and discussions
- A belief that everyone can change the society for better by their actions
- A broader mind after meeting EU volunteers, that will share how environmental issues are tackled in their home countries
- An initiation to the diversity of European languages
- Friends from every region of Ukraine, active and motivated to change the world
- A pack of stylish souvenirs
We invite teenagers 14-16 years old from all over Ukraine, who care about the future of the planet and are ready to make a change.
We have no restrictions: disabled children and children with access requirements, participants from villages and small towns, and those who had to move due to the conflict in the East of Ukraine are all welcome.
- Make sure the child is willing to join the camp. To this end, please ask them to write a few lines on why they want to join the camp and attach their essay up to one page long, a video or audio up to one minute long, a picture or something else that will further their words.
- Provide the child with a stable internet connection, a smartphone, and a computer or tablet.
Read the open call carefully and apply via our online platform.
Firstly we will evaluate:
- How strong is the child’s motivation to join the camp
- Where the child lives: we make sure there are a few participants from each region of Ukraine
- What is the child’s gender: we make sure among the participants of the camp are an equal number of boys and girls
Participation in international camps is a great adventure, and we want as many children as possible to experience it. Therefore, we will give preference to children who have never participated in such camps before.
Children from villages and small towns, those who had to move due to the conflict in the East of Ukraine will also get bonus points.