Grants to implement civic tech tools in pandemic situation

Sector: Other
Type: Grant
Location: Ukraine
Deadline: Finished
Organiser: Other

These are grants for implementing and promoting civic tech tools — digital products that engage civil society in governance and public interaction. You will get up to UAH 550,000 for the following and other similar activities: 

  • Conducting information campaigns
  • Development and advocacy of the projects of implementation of civic tech tools
  • Establishing or strengthening partnerships between CSOs and local authorities to address local problems and pandemic challenges through civic tech tools
  • Popularisation of civic tech tools among vulnerable groups

The project can also include improvement of the technical component of civic tech tools, but this cannot be its major focus. 
The expected duration of the project is 6 months. The activities should start in August 2021.
Grants are provided by the East Europe Foundation with the financial support of the EU. This is one of the thousands of EU opportunities for Ukraine.
Learn more information

What do I get?
Up to UAH 550,000 for implementation of a project that will increase the overall capacity of the CSO sector, local authorities, and the media to use civic tech tools.
Can I apply?
This is a call for officially registered civil society organisations from all regions of Ukraine located in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian Government.  
It will be an advantage if your organisation belongs to the following types, or you can involve such organisations as partners:
  • organisations that specialize in civic tech tools
  • youth organisations
  • entrepreneurship development organisations
  • veteran organisations that assist in the psychological and social adaptation of the veterans
  • regional, rural, newly established CSOs and those representing vulnerable groups and improve their access to public services
What do I need to apply?
  • Application form completed in Ukrainian. Justify the necessity for your project, describe the target audience, objectives and expected results, provide a detailed action plan.
  • Logical matrix
  • Budget
Recommendations for filling out the form can be found at this link.
How do I apply?
Please, send the package of documents to with "Grant competition application" in the subject line.

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